<関連タイトル> 熱化学水素製造 (01-05-02-03) 高温ガス炉による水素生産 (01-05-02-19) 高温ガス炉による核熱エネルギー利用の範囲と拡がり (03-03-05-02) 高温ガス炉の利用の仕方 (03-03-05-03) 一般教書の水素燃料イニシアティブ(ブッシュ大統領) (14-04-01-32) <参考文献>
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(2)P. E. MacDonald, et al., ”NGNP Point Design − Results of the Initial Neutronics and Termal−Hydraulic Assessments During FY−03,” INEEL/EXT−03−00870 Rev.1 (2003).
(3)J. M. Ryskamp, et al., ”Next Generation Nuclear Plant − High−Level Functions and Requirements,” INEEL/EXT−03−01163 (2003)
(4)U.S. DOE Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee and the Generation IV International Forum, ”A Technology Roadmap for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems,” GIF−002−00 (2002)
(5)J. S. Herring, et al., ”Hydrogen Production through High−Temperature Electrolysis in a Solid Oxide Cell,” Proceedings of the OECD/NEA/NSC Second Information Exchange Meeting on Nuclear Production of Hydrogen, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA, Oct. 2−3, 2003.