<関連タイトル> 原子炉の出力変動時の燃料挙動に関する研究 (06-01-01-02) <参考文献>
(2)A.Dumont,P.Bournay: FRAGEMA Fuel Performance Under Load Follow and Frequency Control Operation in EDF Plants, ANS Int. Topical Meet. on LWR Fuel Performance ,Williamsburg,USA,17-20 April,1988.
(3)L.Goldstein,K.D.Sheppard: A Survey of Load Follow Experience in U.S. Light Water Reactors,ANS Int. Topical Mtg. on LWR Fuel Performance,Williamsburg,USA,17-20 April 1988.
(4)E.Kolstad,et. al.: In-Reactor Thermo/Mechanical Measurements on LWR Fuel Rods in the High Burn-up Range,IAEA Mtg. on Fuel Performance at High Burn-Up for Water Reactor,Nykoping,Sweden,5-8 June 1990.
(5)D.Franklin et. al.: A Utility Perspective on LWR Fuel Performance,ANS Int. Topical Mtg. on LWR Fuel Performance,Williamsburg,USA,17-20 April 1988.